Friday, September 7, 2012

Rally Ready

ONE MORE SLEEP and I turn into a Plain Monkey as the passenger for the (Inter)National Ural Rally. As the significant other of Frank, the driver, right out of the gate our shiny green Patrol accumulates 50 points. Last year, we ran out of gas, but were excited to know that we’d earned 50 points. This year, our intention is to garner The Full Pucker at 100 points, meaning that we’ll run on reserve until we run the tank dry. Talk about throwing caution to the wind because Frank is a meticulous military type and wouldn’t ordinarily allow something so predictable to happen.
Our adventure roars to a start in Campbell River, BC, with friends on a Gear-Up, and a pickup point in Courtenay to gather more friends and their Gear-Up. We drive to our ferry connection from Vancouver Island to the Denman Island community.
The Unexpected Adventure Bonus could be ours considering that on the Islands you only have to wait five minutes for the weather to change. I’m thrilled at the opportunity to pull on my ‘Ural Hoodie”. It would be great to earn an extra point per kilometre for the time it’s raining.
Wish us luck. We look forward to hearing your story.

Susan under her 'Ural Hoodie'

Our 2011 (Inter)National Ural Rally Crew

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