Tuesday, August 28, 2012

222 To Sayward

In 2011 our URAL Rally number was 222 and along with two other URAL motorcyclists from Campbell River, British Columbia, we headed due north approximately 63 kilometers to Sayward. We were registered as Van Isle 3X2 for National Rally Day http://nationalrallyday.com/.
Our great nation, Canada, is separate and unique from its American sister and we have our Russian URAL motorbikes with sidecar in common.
The main purpose of the gathering was to ride our bikes approximately 200 kilometres or so and collect points by photographing the bike and us, with its number clearly shown, at various stops along the way. For example, Locky stopped his Gear-Up at a Heritage Fire Truck garage and snapped a picture to gather points. As a sidecar passenger, I hopped out of our Patrol several times to capture an image that would get us rewards too, like Frank filling the gas tank.
The front rider used arm signals to steer us in favourable directions. We stopped along the road several times and once long enough to have a barbeque thanks to Ms. Dianna, another of our team’s sidecar riders.
Just past the one-lane bridge in Sayward, we stopped along the side of the road and admired all the abandoned farm implements. From that point we carried on to the Kelsey Bay Wharf and enjoyed a cup of coffee and one of the most magnificent panoramic seaside views on the Vancouver Island.
Exploring the wonders of our local area as a passenger on a URAL motorbike is a breathtaking experience. No scent goes unnoticed and the view from the comfort of my cushy seat is magnificent.

Locky with Gear-Up
Dianna prepares BBQ

Kelsey Wharf, Sayward, BC

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